
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Keep Climbing

Lately, I have made a point of going out for a walk each day after school. I don’t mean a casual stroll, either. You see, Copán is built on hills. Not gently rolling hills, either. These hills are huge and steep. But I set out every day and make a path around town that has me climbing all of the biggest hills around. I usually get about half way up the hill before I start cussing myself for doing such a thing. My legs start to burn. My lungs start to protest. I want to stop. But every time I want to stop, I remember the days when I used to run.

I remember the lessons I learned from my cross country coaching friend, Rachel, about running hills.

“NEVER stop on a hill, it’s harder to get going again.”

“Make it to the top, your rest will come on the way back down.”

“Don’t look at the top of the hill. Head down, focus on the step right in front of you. The top will be there before you know it.”

“Slow down if you must, but DO NOT STOP.”

What I’ve realized is that I love how these lessons relate to life as a whole. We’re all going to have to climb hills in our lives. Some are bigger than others. Some hills seem like they will never end. Sometimes we just want to stop climbing because it is so hard. I’m there right now.

I’ve been there for quite some time. The hill I’m climbing seems like Mt. Everest most days because I’m looking at the top of the hill. Not a day goes by that I don’t want to quit. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish for just a quick break. But that’s not how life works, it keeps rolling. Take a break and it may pass you by. So I know I can’t stop. But I can slow down when I need to, as long as I never stop moving. I’ll reach the top eventually and there will be rest.

If you are where I am, let me encourage you to keep climbing. Don’t look at the top of the hill. Put your head down and make the step that is right in front of you. Never quit making those steps. Slow down if you must, but keep moving forward. You will find rest one day.

Keep climbing.