
Sunday, May 25, 2014

One week down, many to go

Laying in my bunk bed, unable to sleep yet again thanks to the lovely snoring of my roommates, so I thought it'd be a good time to update everyone on life here at camp.
The summer staff as a whole has been here for a week now. It seems like so much longer already. Our days basically consist of everyone eating breakfast together and then splitting off to train on various things around camp or do various work things that need to happen before campers arrive. My team has pretty much been holed up in the coffee shop the whole week. And I'm totally ok with that. We have a really small team; just myself,  one other summer staffer, and 3 full time girls. We all work together and get along so well. We've spent many hours this week jamming out to Disney music in the coffee shop together so you know I like these people. :-)

I've done lots of really random tasks this week, from learning to make espresso shots to carrying plywood up stairs. I suppose that's camp life. I love always having things to do even if they seem random. We keep busy basically from breakfast until dinner which is great.

I'm already being shoved out of my comfort zone here though. Which is good but obviously uncomfortable for me. For one, we've all been assigned a full-time staff person as our mentor to have one on one meetings with. So not my thing, especially when someone else assigns the person to me. This week we're also the guinea pigs for the camp counselors. That means we have to have all of thosen fun little sit in a circle and talk about your feelings chats. Also not my favorite things. But this summer isn't about staying in my comfort zone so I'm doing my best to look on the bright side of both of these situations.

In other news, yesterday we got our first day off and I used it to go to Santa Fe to see X-Men with some new friends. Considering the amount of joking I did with my friends before leaving home about spending all my days off holed up in a movie theatre, I find this hilarious.

Oh, also, the weather is totes cray around here! It has rained for the past 4 days. But it is sunny most of the day then dark clouds will roll in and it will pour and hail for a bit before the sun comes out again. And it's cold. I had a hoodie on today and it's nearly June, people!

And I got my first letter out here last week. That really made me smile. So even though I have my phone and Facebook and everything...remember that letters are the bomb. Hint, hint :-)

That's all I got for ya about my first week. I love and miss all of you at home! Thanks for following along with my adventure.

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