
Monday, June 23, 2014

Is it really a new week already?

Well another week is beginning today and I've been trying to think of what to tell you about last week. Last week was interesting, to say the least. But as I'm going over last week in my mind, all I really want to tell you is that I work with some truly outstanding individuals.


These are people who, even when exhausted from their own work, will go help out somewhere else just because they known it needs done. They're people who sacrifice free time to work so a sick coworker can stay in bed. They're people who remain joyful even through the stressful of the day to day. They're people who will ask how I'm doing and really want to know the truth. They're people who hug me when I cry. They're people who continue to try to be part of my life even though I'm hesitant to let them in. And I am just in awe of these people and feel so incredibly blessed to get to spend the summer working with them!

Last week, for the first time this summer, I really wanted to be home. It finally hit me how hard it is to be away from the people you care about, especially when you know they are hurting. Being 12 hours away and not able to simply be there for people kind of sucks. But technology is cool and I finally figured out video chatting on my phone. So that was a definite plus last week as I got to have nice long chats with some people I dearly miss.

I'm refreshed and ready for another week after spending the weekend with my sister in Albuquerque. I'm excited to have another group of campers come in this afternoon to spend the week here in this amazing place. May their hearts and minds, as well as ours, be open to what God wants to teach us this week.

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