
Sunday, June 15, 2014

So this is my life...

It's hard to believe that another week has passed. It's even harder to believe that I have been here for a whole month. Like, when did that even happen?

This week was much better than last! I actually got sleep when I finally fell into bed each night! Shout out to my awesome sister for over-nighting me ear plugs last week. Haha, but for real though.

This was the first week for Fuge, which as far as I can tell is basically a Baptist CIY type of deal. They had a small group this week so we got some room to breathe as we settled into what will be our schedule for the next 7 weeks. Days were still long as we are now opening up in the early morning for coffee and I'm also usually the closer for late night which ends at 11 or 11:30 each night. We keep busy when the coffee shop is closed because we got 6 pallets of shirts in to's so many shirts. We've made it better by also having a Harry Potter marathon while we fold :-)

I did get to do some fun things this week like the zip drop and bag jump. There's still a long list of adventures for me out here though.

Had a relaxing day off today, got to sleep in then go to church and a movie with friends. I'm connecting with the other summer staffers more these days, so that's cool.

I'm really most excited for next weekend and every weekend after because I'll get to spend time with my big sister at her new house. This is by far the closest we've been together in 3 years and I plan to soak up every minute we have together.

I miss some things about being home. Mostly having a place to myself and time to myself. Also I miss my best friend. Like, a ton. It's funny that you don't realize how much time you spend with people until you're far apart.

Thanks for all the letters, cards, and packages you've been sending! Mail always makes my day and I usually walk all the way across camp each day just to check the mail.

Sorry for a boring update. I love you people and miss you dearly.

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