
Monday, February 16, 2015


There is an amazing peace that washes over me every time I step onto my mat.
Knowing that all I have to do for 80 minutes in breathe, is absolutely freeing.
No thinking. 
No talking. 
No worries.
Just breath and focusing on what happens on my mat.
Just me.
No matter how many people are in the room.
No matter how my day has been.
No matter what's to come.
All that matters is that I breathe, listen, and respond.
And I love it.

I was introduced to Sunit's Hot Yoga 5 years ago. And at the time it was just another workout. Just more calories burned. I loved it, but it was nothing more to me than time to build strength. Through the years, I returned off and on to yoga classes here and there but I never made it a priority. 
Recently though, I returned to class and have made it a point to make it to my mat as much as I can. But it doesn't matter to me that it's a great workout. Obviously, that's a benefit, but that's not really what I care about when I step into that 105 degree room. 
What matters to me is feeling centered.
What matters to me in feeling balanced in a world that so often feels unbalanced.
What matters to me in feeling grounded in the moment and not letting my mind run wild as it so often likes to do.
What matters is not feeling like a crazy person because my brain isn't running wild.
What matters to me is knowing that I can push through any difficulties in life if I just slow down and breathe through it.
What matters to me is dealing with each day and what it brings as it comes.
What matters to me is learning not to look back or look ahead, just to be in the moment.
What matters to me is learning to love what I see in the mirror that I'm staring at for 80 minutes.

There's not much than can get me out of bed, happily, at 7:30 in the morning when I could totally sleep until noon if I so chose. But yoga does. And I'm so glad it does.

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