That being said, it brings me to my main people know that you really care for them? Do you show your love to people? And no, I don't mean mushy romantic love, I mean brotherly do the people in your life know that you're thinking about them? I mean, I'm sure there are ways I could be ways better at this but if I haven't seen someone in a while, I contact them and check on them and let them know they're missed. Sometimes, I randomly go through my phone and just send out good morning texts to let people know they are on my mind and that I genuinely want them to have a great day. But no one does these things for me. I'm only whining a little bit here because I'm really left wondering that if I feel this forgotten, how do people with an even more fragile psyche than mine feel? Do I even know who these people are in my life? Am I making an intentional effort to reach out to them and make them feel loved?
I'm an introvert in what is sometimes the worst of ways. I enjoy time alone, but I still need to feel important and loved! As much as that's true for me, I know it's important for me to make an effort to make others know how much they mean to me all the time and to encourage them in any way I can. Sometimes, this takes enormous efforts for me because I just want to sit on my couch and read or watch Doctor Who but I've found it extremely rewarding to make myself give people that time. Being around people and talking to/ connecting with them helps keep me from going crazy. But sometimes it feels so one-sided and that's probably where my aggravation is stemming from...sometimes that first step toward someone else is ignored, they just don't care that I'm trying to be part of their life. I need someone to take that step toward me so I know they are approachable and I don't feel like a bother to them.
Maybe what I'm getting at here is that I wish people would stop assuming that everyone is ok...make the effort to check on people. INTENTIONALLY love people. Someone might be needing to talk but they are quiet because they don't want to be a burden to anyone, they need people to tell them how much they matter and really mean it. We need more people who will just be there all the time and less who pop in and out of our lives pretending to care.
Wow, kiddo, I cant tell u how many times i have felt the same way. I have seen many friends leave my life because I felt like the effort to keep in contact was one sided and eventually I gave up. I think the fact is that everyone gets busy with their own little world, and comfortable, and the relationships just don't mean as much to them so they don't go out of their way to keep in touch. The fact is you will have this a lot in your life, and you have to accept it for what it is. I saw a poem online one time that said something like friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Those who are there for a reason or a season still care but when they have fulfilled the reason or the season you will see them slowly leave your life. They have met a need at the right time in your life and now they are called to do the same in someone elses life. I don't know if its Gods design, but it makes sense to me. It keeps us from getting comfortable with our own little group of friends, and therefore never venturing out to get to know others so we can share the love of God with them too. Anyway, for whatever the reason, it happens to everyone. Just know that I am not just your dad, im a friend for a lifetime. I might not always reach out as often as I should, but I am always here for you if you need to talk. I love you bunches, and im very proud of who you are.