
Monday, May 27, 2013

Natural Beauty

I must admit that the 4:30am wake-up call and subsequent 3 hour drive to Arkansas maybe wasn't the most fun way to start a day off...but then we arrived at Devil's Den and set out on the Devil's Den trail...and I was immediately in awe of the beauty of creation! This place is full of caves, waterfalls, springs, crevices, overlooks, a river, and fantastic greenery as far as the eye can see! We spend the whole morning exploring and hiked at least 4.5 miles of gorgeous trail. I cannot wait until I get the chance to go back because there is still so much more that we didn't get the chance to see!

It is places like this that I can really see God. I mean, how can you look at all of the beauty this world holds and not see His finger prints all over everything?!? I will never understand how someone can experience the beauty that nature holds and still think that it all came from nothing which exploded into nothingness and then the nothing somehow turned into all of the fantastic wonders of our world...I, for one, love thinking about our Lord placing all of this here and allowing us to enjoy it! When I'm out and about exploring this world I just cannot help but start thanking God for giving us all of this.
We all need times like this...time to turn off the cell phone, be away from the television, off the computer, and just take in nature. Such a great time to just breathe and remember that no matter how ugly things may seem all around us, there will always be beauty left in this world. Maybe that's why God gave us places like this, to remind us that all of the beautiful things aren't gone, no matter how hard this world tries to tear them all away.  

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